Running locally

To run Terragrunt locally, use the go run command:

go run main.go plan


Running tests

Note: The tests in the dynamodb folder for Terragrunt run against a real AWS account and will add and remove real data from DynamoDB. DO NOT hit CTRL+C while the tests are running, as this will prevent them from cleaning up temporary tables and data in DynamoDB. We are not responsible for any charges you may incur.

Before running the tests, you must configure your AWS credentials and AWS IAM policies.

To run all the tests:

go test -v -parallel 128 $(glide novendor)

To run only the tests in a specific package, such as the package remote:

cd remote
go test -v -parallel 128

And to run a specific test, such as TestToTerraformRemoteConfigArgsNoBackendConfigs in package remote:

cd remote
go test -v -parallel 128 -run TestToTerraformRemoteConfigArgsNoBackendConfigs

Debug logging

If you set the TERRAGRUNT_DEBUG environment variable to “true”, the stack trace for any error will be printed to stdout when you run the app.

Error handling

In this project, we try to ensure that:

  1. Every error has a stacktrace. This makes debugging easier.
  2. Every error generated by our own code (as opposed to errors from Go built-in functions or errors from 3rd party libraries) has a custom type. This makes error handling more precise, as we can decide to handle different types of errors differently.

To accomplish these two goals, we have created an errors package that has several helper methods, such as errors.WithStackTrace(err error), which wraps the given error in an Error object that contains a stacktrace. Under the hood, the errors package is using the go-errors library, but this may change in the future, so the rest of the code should not depend on go-errors directly.

Here is how the errors package should be used:

  1. Any time you want to create your own error, create a custom type for it, and when instantiating that type, wrap it with a call to errors.WithStackTrace. That way, any time you call a method defined in the Terragrunt code, you know the error it returns already has a stacktrace and you don’t have to wrap it yourself.
  2. Any time you get back an error object from a function built into Go or a 3rd party library, immediately wrap it with errors.WithStackTrace. This gives us a stacktrace as close to the source as possible.
  3. If you need to get back the underlying error, you can use the errors.IsError and errors.Unwrap functions.


Every source file in this project should be formatted with go fmt. There are few helper scripts and targets in the Makefile that can help with this (mostly taken from the terraform repo):

  1. make fmtcheck

    Checks to see if all source files are formatted. Exits 1 if there are unformatted files.

  2. make fmt

    Formats all source files with gofmt.

  3. make install-pre-commit-hook

    Installs a git pre-commit hook that will run all of the source files through gofmt.

To ensure that your changes get properly formatted, please install the git pre-commit hook with make install-pre-commit-hook.

Releasing new versions

To release a new version, just go to the Releases Page and create a new release. The CircleCI job for this repo has been configured to:

  1. Automatically detect new tags.
  2. Build binaries for every OS using that tag as a version number.
  3. Upload the binaries to the release in GitHub.

See circle.yml and _ci/ for details.